

전래 시장옥(市場屋)의 기능적 변화특성에 관한 연구-경북 울진군 매화1리 매화장시를 중심으로-


The Functional Transition of Traditional Shop House in Modern age of Korea- Focused on Maehwa Marketplace in Uljin -

박중신, 노선화, 김태영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to clarify the spatial form and functional transition of Korean traditional shop house in Maehwa marketplace, Uljin. The general form of Korean traditional shop house of Maehwa marketplace was the timbered house of the tin roof built in the 1960s. As the scale of a building being comparatively small-scale, building area is 60㎡ and the yard was mainly made behind the building. When the spatial form of Korean traditional shop house is considered, the composition of 4 by 2 is most. And in the front of a building, the shop is located, and when the back of a building prepares a residence, integration of a sales function and a habitation function is seen. The shop of Korean traditional shop house is converted into living space by change of the function, and the position is the middle of a front of building. This is considered as what inherited the Korean lifestyle. And the last, Although it is not different from the appearance of the shop house of other areas, since there are few grades of the change in comparison, the extension situation of Korean traditional shop house is recognized as an example important for future research.


 1. 서론
 2. 연구대상지 및 조사개요
  2.1 연구대상지 개요
  2.2 조사개요
 3. 시장옥의 공간구성 및 형태
  3.1 시장옥의 건축물현황
  3.2 건물정면 칸수에 의한 유형
  3.3 주․상기능의 통합과 뒷마당의 형성
 4. 시장옥의 기능적 변화
  4.1 기능 및 용도변화에 따른 점포공간의 개조
  4.2 건물외관의 변화특성
  4.3 증․개축에 따른 평면확장
 5. 결론


  • 박중신 Park, Chung-Shin. 청주대 대학원 건축공학과 BK교수
  • 노선화 Roh, Seon-hwa. 청주대 대학원 박사과정
  • 김태영 Roh, Seon-hwa. 청주대 건축학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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