

Antioxidant Activity of broccoli sprouts cultivated under high dissolved oxygen concentrations.



This study determine antioxidant activity be induced antioxidant enzyme systems by oxidative stress by the dissolved oxygen. The radical scavenging activity of methanol extracts of broccoli sprouts cultivated on 1.5, 10, and 30ppm DO and positive control BHT, respectively, were investigated. Each sample under assay condition exhibited free radical scavenging activity toward DPPH radical. Among 3 samples, extracts of broccoli sprouts cultivated in 3 condition
of 1.5, 10, 30 ppm DO determined the FRSA(free radical scavenging activity). Strong FRSA potential of the methanol extract of broccoli sprouts revealed at its cultivated on 1.5ppm DO, 67.4±0.94 %, and FRSA of 10, 30 ppm were 47.5±0.2 and 56.5±0.87 %, respectively. FRSAs of 3 samples were higher than that of BHT, 43.4±0.3 %. It should be necessary of more experiments on antioxidant enzyme system by oxidative stress by low dissolved oxygen concentration, even though free radical scavenging activity of extracts of broccoli sprout cultivated on 1.5ppm DO condition was the strongest in 3 samples.


  • In-Ji Song Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • Cheul-Hyun Moon Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • Jinyoul Bae Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • Jin-Myeong Cha Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • InHwa Lee Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University.
  • Chang-Hun Yu Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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