

Poperties of germination and antioxidant activity of broccoli sprouts by cultural process.



In order to develop germination and antioxidant activity of sprouts by cultural process, pool and flow system of cultural water, to experiment of germination and growth rate of broccoli sprouts on pool and flow system for 7day. The concentration of dissolved oxygen was rapidly reduced after 3days in pool system at 3 ppm, and pH was not variation, significantly. DO conc. was
maintaining over 30 ppm in flow system. The final length of broccoli sprouts in 2 cultural systems were 28 and 48.5 mm, respectively, it was more higher than that in flow system, about over 2 times. The radical scavenging activity of methanol extracts of broccoli sprouts cultivated on pool and flow system were 52.9±3.2 % and 34.1±2.0 %, respectively, the reduction of DPPH radical of
methanol extracts of broccoli sprout cultivated in flow system was more high than that in pool system, about 18% high.


  • In-Ji Song Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd. R&D Center
  • Cheul-Hyun Moon Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd. R&D Center
  • Jinyoul Bae Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd. R&D Center
  • Jin-Myeong Cha Bio & Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd. R&D Center


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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