

Investigation on the biosorption behavior of reactive dye and basic dye using waste biomass of Escherichia coli



A low cost biosorbent (Escherichia coli), the discharge of L-phenylalanine fermentation, was
prepared for the biosorption of Reactive Red 4 (RR 4) and Methylene Blue (MB). The pH edge
experiments showed that the pH of the dye solution was an important controlling parameter in the
biosorption process. In the case of RR 4, as the pH increased from 1 to 9, the uptake decrease from 124.74 to 3.22 mg/g. In contrary, as the pH increased, the uptake of MB also increased and the maximum MB uptake was obtained at pH ≥ 8. It might be contributed to the functional group on the biomass surface. The positive charged amine groups (-NH3 +) were likely the binding sites for the anionic dye (RR 4), and the negative charged groups, such as carboxyl group (-COO-), and the phosphate groups (HPO4 -) played a role in the electrostatic attraction with cationic MB. The rate of dye removal was very rapid during the initial stages of the biosorption process, even within 5 min to get equilibrium. So the waste biomass of E. coli showed a potential to be a cost-effective and timeeffective biosorbent to removal of dye-containing wastewater.


  • Shi Yn Lee Departemnt of Bioprocess Engineering, Chonbuk National University
  • Sok Kim Division of Environmental and Chemical Engineering and Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Chonbuk National University
  • Geun Taek Lee Division of Environmental and Chemical Engineering and Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Chonbuk National University
  • Yeoung-Sang Yun Departemnt of Bioprocess Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Division of Environmental and Chemical Engineering and Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Chonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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