

Indirubin Production using Recombinant E. coli harboring Flavin-containing Monooxygenase Gene



In the previous study, we have cloned a recombinant E. coli harboring flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) gene. Recombinant E. coli produced 920 mg/L of Bio-indigo and 5 mg/L indirubin for 20 h cultivation on the tryptophan medium (0.2% tryptophan, 1% NaCl, 0.5% yeast extract) under aerobic condition.
To enhance indirubin production, the effects of oxygen and amino acid compositions on the medium were investigated. After E. coli cells were cultivated on the normal condition for 24 hrs, a culture fluid was left in the 5 L bioreactor without air supply for 120 hrs. Under this condition, high amounts of indirubin (251 mg/L ) and indigo (491 mg/L) were mixed in the fluid. However,
when a few of amino acids such as cysteine, aspartic acid and arginine were added to the medium, a pink indirubin fluid could be obtained. An optimumamino acid composition (w/v) was determined to be cysteine 0.1%, aspartic acid 0.05% and arginine 0.05%, respectively. Under this condition, 96 mg/L of indirubin and 6mg/L of indigo were produced.


  • Gui Hwan Han Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University
  • Seong Hun Im Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University
  • Joo Young Son Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University
  • Si Wouk Kim Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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