

Dual production of ß-glucan and Coenzyme Q10 using Agrobacterium tumefaciens ATCC 4452



Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and ß-glucan are both naturally produced material from Agrobacterium Tumefaciens family. CoQ10 consists of two main structures head and the tail group. Head group is the benzoquinone and the tail group is the isoprenoid side chains. ß-glucan is exopolysaccharide produced by A. tumefaciens. Depending on how it is linked glucan' s characteristics change dramatically.
Strain used for this research is Agrobacterium Tumefaciens ATCC 4452. Medium used for this research was seed culture, LB medium + 20g/L glucose, and main culture, YP medium which consist of Sucrose 20g/L, Peptone 5g/L, and Yeast Extract 5g/L. Culturing conditions were 24 hours at 30℃ for seed culture and 72 hours at 30℃ for main culture. 10mL of main culture was
sampled and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min. Crude cell was dried in an dry oven for 48 hours to obtain dry cell weight. Supernatant was chilled overnight at 4℃ than was mixed with 20 mL of prechilled aceton for 3 hours. CoQ10 was extracted with Hexane and n-propanol mixture after lysis of the Agrobacterium Tumefaciens ATCC 4452 cell. Analysed with HPLC at 275 nm with ethanol as solvent.
Currently culture optimization of ATCC 4452 for EPS production is under progress. Prime candidates of carbon source is mannitol and fuctose. Nitrogen source candidates are currently being searched.


  • Jung Shick Kwon Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou university
  • Yeon-Woo Ryu Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou university


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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