

Hydrothermal Acid Treatment of Algal Biomass from Chlamydomonas reihardtii UTEX 90 for Ethanol Production



Renewable energy is being promoted research in many countries to prevent the lack of fuels in near future. Bioethanol of potential sources can reduce the gasoline consumptions and environmental pollution. Most ethanol that today derived from the agriculture food or raw materials invade agricultural lands. Some algae have been known using the light and carbon source to accumulate carbohydrate as mainly starch. This is one of good sources replacing agriculture food for producing bioethanol. This study is for pretreatment method with low cost and high efficiency that compete with other methods as well as from other feedstocks. Hydrothermal method by dilute acid was applied and Chlamydomonas reihhardtii UTEX 90 was chosen as feedstock for this study. With dry cells of 5% (w/v), the algal biomass was pretreated with sulfuric acid concentration (1 to 5%) under temperature from 100 to 1200C in the range time of 15 to 120mins. As a result, the glucose yields maximum 58% (w/w) of dry cell weight at
pretreatment condition of 1100C for 30mins. This method allows not only starch but also other oligosaccharide in the algal cell to be hydrolyzed in the high efficiency. This study suggests the economic pretreatment method which has positive impact on large-scale applied system.


  • Minh Thu Nguyen Department of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Seung Phill Choi Department of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Sang Jun Sim Department of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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