

Effect of the high concentrated oxygen water for antioxidant activity on sprout



This study was carried out to investigate the effects of the antioxidant activities on the dissolved oxygen concentration for red radish, broccoli, kale, red kale sprouts. The dissolved oxygen concentration was controlled by pure oxygen and bubble column for various concentrations such as 8 mg/L O2, 20 mg/L O2, 30 mg/L O2. Total poly phenol contents were measured by the Folin-Denis method and total flavonoid contents by transformed Davis method. Based on Blois method,
radical scavenging activities of sprout extracts were examined by using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl). As dissolved oxygen concentration increase, the initial germination and growth of sprouts was increased. The total poly phenol contents of broccoli were modified to 17092.2 mg/100g at the conditions for 30 mg/L O2 of dissolved oxygen as the highest concentration. Radical scavenging ability of sprouts was ordered broccoli sprout > red radish sprout > kale sprout > red kale sprout and experiment of conditions of radical scavenging with broccoli sprout was the highest as 30 mg/L.


  • In Hwa LEE Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
  • Chang Hoon YOO Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
  • Ju Young PARK Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
  • Maeng Su KIM Department of Environmental Engineering, BK21 Team for Biohydrogen Production, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
  • Jin Myeong CHA Bio & Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. R&D Center
  • Sun Li Kim Bio & Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. R&D Center


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