

An Immobilized Beads Carrying SRB for the Passive AMD Treatment



Acid mine drainage is caused by oxidation of ion and sulfate minerals in ores exposed to air and water, yielding an aqueous stram with high levels of dissolved toxic heavy metals and sulfate.1) These anaerobic passive treatment system support the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB), which generate metabolic energy by reducing sulfate to sulfide. In this report, an immobilized beads carrying SRB for the passive treatment, has been developed and evaluated in a batch reactor. We made spherical catalytic beads of approximate diameter of 25mm, that involves CaCO3, fermentated sawdust, alginic acid and SRB. Batch reactions with the SRB beads of 105g/L were carried out in m-CSB medium.2) In the experiment, the beads reactor
contains different concentration of copper and lead of 1, 10 and 100ppm. H2S, SO4 and pH were measured for 60 days of reaction. The initial level of SO4 2- 4g/L was decreased down to 2.5g/L for 60 days. Thus, the sulfate reduction rate found out to be 0.24mg/day/g bead. Electron microscopy of the beads showed that the heavy metals were immobilized inside of the beads.


  • Won-Mo Kang Kangwon National University, Dept. of Bioengineering and Technology
  • Hwan-jo Baek Kangwon National University, School of Dept. of Geosystem Engineering
  • Won Hur Kangwon National University, Dept. of Bioengineering and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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