

Development of APEx 2-hybrid system suitable for protein interaction study and its application to antibody engineering



The discovery and analysis of interacting proteins are essential for delineating biological networks, the understanding of cellular function and for drug discovery. We have developed a bacterial system for the discovery of interacting proteins that, unlike other 2-hybrid systems, allows for the selection of protein pairs on the basis of affinity or expression. This new technology, called APEx 2-hybrid, relies on the Anchored Periplasmic Expression (APEx)1)
of one protein on the periplasmic side of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli and its interacting partner as a soluble, epitope-tagged, periplasmic protein2). After removal of outer membrane and labelling with fluorescent probe, cells expressing protein pairs exhibiting different affinities can be readily distinguished by flow cytometry. APEx 2-hybrid system coupled with multi-color fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) enables protein-protein interaction study in
periplasm of E. coli as well as high thrroughput screening of highly interacting proteins from combinatorial libraries. Various applications of APEx 2-hybrid system toward antibody engineering (affinity/expression maturation of antibody and antibody fragments, disulfide bond-free intrabody etc.) will be presented.


  • Ki Jun Jeong Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
  • Min Jeong Seo Department of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin,
  • Brent L. Iverson Department of Chemistry
  • George Georgiou Department of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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