

Extraction of Canola Oil Using Ultrasound-Assisted Supercritical Fluid



Public concern about renewable biofuels as alternative energy resource to petroleum has increased significantly due to environmental sustainability andincreasing petroleum prices. Vegetable oil is major source for biodiesel production. Canola oil is one of the major Vegetable oil resources due to its high oil content (41∼48%). Canola (Brassica napus and campestris) is a
genetically-modified variety of rapeseed that was bred to have, by definition, less than 2% erucic acid in the oil and less than 30 μmol per gram of glucosinolates in the oil-free meal. In this study, we have investigated the effect of the ultrasound on the extraction rate, the extraction yield and the composition of canola oil extracted. The compositions of triglycerides and fatty acids in the extracted oil were analyzed by HPLC/ELSD and GC/FID, respectively. Prior to extraction, canola seed was crushed into fine particles, and then extracted by supercritical CO2 at 80oC, 400 bar and CO2 flow rate 6.2 L/min for three hours with and without ultrasound.


  • Ah-Reum Hwang Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Suwon, KOREA
  • Byung-Hyun Won Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Suwon, KOREA
  • In-Il Jung Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Suwon, Department of Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University, KOREA
  • Gio-Bin Lim Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Suwon
  • Jong-Hoon Ryu Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Suwon


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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