

Discrimination of Genotoxicity based on Different Genotoxicity Biosensors



A panel of seven different biosensing cells, each constructed using a promoter that is
responsive to DNA damage, was used for detecting and classifying genotoxicity. Four of
these recombinant bioluminescent bacteria were newly developed for this study using the
promoters for the alkA,sulA, sbmC, and recN genes from E. coli. The responses of these
recombinant bioluminescent bacterial strains were successfully characterized and classified
by using certain classes of genotoxic chemicals, such as mitomycin C,
1-methyl-1-nitroso-N-methylguanidine, nalidixic acid and 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide. The
responses obtained from these cells were compared with each other and the differential
effects among the strains in response to the different types of genotoxic agents have
been successfully characterized. These results demonstrate that these seven
bioluminescent bacteria can be used to elucidate and classify the genotoxic impacts of
samples or chemical solutions and that together they may be utilized in the
pre-screening steps of new drugs or to characterize unknown or newly synthesized
chemicals, the toxicity of food samples and environment samples.


  • Joo-Myung Ahn Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, KoreaUniversity
  • EeTaekHwang Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, KoreaUniversity
  • Chul-HeeYoun Advanced Environmental Monitoring Research Center, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
  • DanusiaL.Banu Advanced Environmental Monitoring Research Center, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
  • ByoungChanKim Diagnositics Group, Institut Pasteur Korea
  • JavedH.Niazi Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, KoreaUniversity
  • Man Bock Gu Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, KoreaUniversity


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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