

Comparative Measurement of Irritation of Several Surfactants in Korean Women of Various Ages



The comparison between surfactants, SLS showed a significant difference in all age groups when compared with other surfactants (p<0.001). The skin erythema response of SLS was seen in decreasing order of age group, aged over 50’, 20’s~40’s and teens. Although decyl-glucoside is a semi-natural surfactant, it showed high skin erythema after SLS in individuals over 50 years
in age. In the comparison of formulations, the toner type formula of the four surfactants showed significantly higher skin erythema than the cream types in all age group except the visual evaluation of teens (p<0.05). Also, the mexameter and spectrophotometer presented a higher correlation with the visual assessment than LDPI. This study indicated that decyl-glucoside, one of two semi-surfactants, was thought to have higher irritant potential in the age group
over 50’ than tween-80, synthetic surfactant. The skin irritant response of SLS seem to show the increasing skin erythema in the age group over 50’ than those in the age group teens and in the age group 20’s~40’s by the weakened skin barrier function in elderly. Moreover, the toner type formula was associated with an increase in damage to the skin barrier than the cram type
formula and caused an increase in skin erythema. Also, the mexameter and spectrophotometer seem to be more sensitive for measuring skin irritant evaluation than the LDPI.


  • Mi-Young Lee Dermapro SkinResearchCenter
  • Ji-hwoon Baek Dermapro SkinResearchCenter
  • Hee-kyung Lee Dermapro SkinResearchCenter
  • Young-kyoung Seo Dermapro SkinResearchCenter
  • Jae-sook Koh Dermapro SkinResearchCenter
  • Ph.D. Dermapro SkinResearchCenter


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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