

Antioxidnat and antiacetylcholinesterase activity of Tetragonia tetragonioides



Tetragonia tetragonioides has long been used as a traditional remedy for stomach cancer and furuncle. We investigated antioxidant activity, tyrosinase activity and acetylcholinesterase activity of the solvent extracts of Tetragonia tetragonioides. The solvent fractions were extracted by 100% methanol (MeOH) and successively extracted by n-hexane, methyl chloride(CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate(EtOAc) and butanol(BuOH). Antioxidant activites of solvent fractions from Tetragonia tetragonioides were examined by free radical scavenging assay, superoxide radical (O2
-) scavenging activity, total phenolic compound content, vitamin E content and total antioxidnat capacity. The CH2Cl2 and EtOAc extracts of Tetragonia tetragonioides were found to exhibit a distinctive antioxidant activity. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity of MeOH, n-hexane, CH2Cl2,
EtOAc and BuOH extracts of Tetragonia tetragonioides was investigated. In addition, the MeOH extract of Tetragonia tetragonioides was tested for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity using the Ellman colorimetric method. Extracts of Tetragonia tetragonioides exhibited moderate inhibition of the enzyme, defined as more than 50% at 0.1 mg/ml.


  • Hye Jung CHOI Interdisciplinary Program in Biotechnology, Changwon National University
  • Dong Wan KIM Department of Microbiology, Changwon National University
  • Young Whan CHOI School of Bioresource Science, Busan National University
  • Jum Soon KANG School of Bioresource Science, Busan National University
  • Young-Guen LEE School of Applied Life Science, Busan National University
  • Woo Hong JOO Interdisciplinary Program in Biotechnology, Department of Microbiology, Changwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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