

Soybean Health Benefits - Beyond Isoflavones



There is also much evidence suggesting that compounds present in soybeans can prevent cancer in many different organ systems. The soy components such as isoflavones, saponins, Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI), inositol hexaphosphate (phytic acid), lunasin, anthocyanins, and beta-sitosterol have been proven to suppress carcinogenesis in vivo. In particular, isoflavones have drawn much attention due to ample evidence that their intake was closely associated with
low incidence rate of breast and prostate cancers. In case of breast cancer, timing of isoflavone exposure appears to be critical and prepubertal exposure to isoflavones is most effective in prevention of mammary tumor. In contrast, the odds to develop prostate tumor seem to be reduced by isoflavones intake regardless of the life stage. Proteomic analysis showed that high level of genistein increased the expression of GRP78 in both MCF-7 (ER+) and MDAMB-
231 (ER-) cells. While induction of GRP78 conferred drug resistance in MCF-7 cells, it enhanced the sensitivity to some anticancer agents in MDA-MB-231 cells. Delphinidin, one of anthocyanins present in black soy hull, showed a strong antioxidant activity, suppressed hydrogen peroxide-induced glycolytic enzymes and hypoxia-inducible factors which were known to be associated with progression and angiogenesis of tumor. In conclusion, soy might exert anticarcinogenic effect by modulation of HIFs by anthocyanins as well as by estrogenic and/or antiestrogenic activities of isoflavones.


  • Kim, Jong-Sang Division of Life and Food Sciences, School of Applied Bioscience, Kyungpook National University


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