

Screening of a High -Lipoic acid Producing α-Microorganism



α-Lipoic acid as an antioxidant is found in low levels (<35 μg∙g DCW-1) in wide variety of microorganisms, as well as in plants and animals. α-Lipoic acid was assayed quantitatively by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection after base hydrolysis of protein bound form in the microorganism. E.coli KCCM 41036 was selected as a highest α-lipoic acid strain among the tested about 40 microorganisms. Octanoic acid and l-cysteine serve as specific precursor and sulfur donor, respectively, in the α-lipoic acid synthesis. Their contents for α-lipoic acid
production by E.coli KCCM 41036 were optimal at 0.7mM octanoic acid and 2mM l-cysteine. As a result, the content of α-lipoic acid increased 1.78 fold, comparing that without octanoic acid and l-cysteine. Under the optimum conditions, the cells produced α-lipoic acid content of 82 μg∙g DCW-1.


  • Jung-hwan JI Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • In-sik YU Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • Hye-jung KIM Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University
  • Jung-kul LEE Department of Chemical engineering Konkuk University
  • Deok-kuk OH Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University


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