

Improvement of Escherichia coli to produce biochemical based on computational simulation



The advent of in silico genome-scale model developed various algorithms to apply to metabolic engineering. Flux balance analysis (FBA) optimizes a specific objective function by linear programming under pseudo-steady state based on the stoichiometry of metabolic reactions. In order to incorporate the physiological characteristics of the organisms under gene knock-out conditions, algorithms such as MOMA and ROOM were developed. However, to improve a strain for biochemical production, the organism should be investigated from diverse sides simultaneously: for instance, biomass formation, biochemical production, and waste formation. In this respect, we propose a new approach called the flux scanning with compromised objective fluxes (FSCOF), multi-objective algorithm.
FSCOF can identify the correlation between the biomass formation, biochemical production, and waste formation by maximizing the biomass formation subjected to limiting the levels of biochemical production or waste formation. [This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) grant funded by the Koreagovernment (MOST) (No.
M10309020000-03B5002-00000). Further supports by LG Chem Chair Professorship, Microsoft and IBM SUR program are appreciated.]


  • Jong Myoung Park Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory, KAIST, Center for Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, Institute for the BioCentury, KAIST
  • Tae Yong Kim Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory, KAIST, Center for Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, Institute for the BioCentury, KAIST
  • Joungmin Lee Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory, KAIST, Center for Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, Institute for the BioCentury, KAIST
  • Sang Yup Lee Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory, KAIST, Center for Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, Institute for the BioCentury, KAIST, BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, BioProcess Engineering Research Center, and Bioinformatics Research Center, KAIST


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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