In dermatology, skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system made up of multiple layers of epithelial tissues that guard underlying muscles and organs. The use of natural or synthetic cosmetics to treat the appearance of the face and condition of the skin (such as pore control and black head cleansing) is common among many cultures. Oily skin can be cleaned quickly with a mild solution of detergent, when pure bath soaps fail. Afterward, body lotions could be used to recondition cleansed skin, as would be used to treat dry skin. In this study, fermentation liquid containing plant collagen extracts from yellow cucumber has been used to investigate the effect of the extracts on the human skin conditions. Good skin condition was attributed to the cucumber extracts probably due to the plant collagen ingredients in it. The total test period was 4 weeks and the number of patients were 10. The balance of oil and water contents in the skin were stabilized after the use of the extracts. The skin roughness was improved throughout the whole patients.