

Performance of a microbial fuel cell using polypropylene felt as a separator for the wastewater treatment



Application of Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) for wastewater treatment using polypropylene (PP) felt as a separator was investigated. The fuel cell was consisted with graphite felt anode, carbon plate cathode and the felt type separator. The COD removal rate of the MFC was up to 70% when the artificial wastewater was fed to the MFC. Furthermore, the experimental result showed
that the current generation rate from the MFC was related with the COD removal rate of wastewater. In addition, TS (Total Solid), TSS (Total Suspended Solid) and VSS (Volatile Suspended Solid) of the effluent from the MFC were monitored over 3 months, and a clear correlation between variation of the effluent strength and current generation rate was achieved. In the case of the MFC without current generation (open circuit), however, no significant variation
in the effluent strength was observed. These results suggested that the MFC with PP felt as separator might be applied as a simple and inexpensive method for wastewater treatment.


  • Kil Koang Kwon Department of Microbial Engineering, Konkuk university, Seoul 143-701, Korea
  • Seok Min Yoon Department of Microbial Engineering, Konkuk university, Seoul 143-701, Korea
  • Chang Ho Choi Department of Microbial Engineering, Konkuk university, Seoul 143-701, Korea
  • Beom Yong Lee Department of Microbial Engineering, Konkuk university, Seoul 143-701, Korea
  • Hyung Joo Kim Department of Microbial Engineering, Konkuk university, Seoul 143-701, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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