

Structure-Activity Relations of Parasin I, a Histone H2A-Derived Antimicrobial Peptide



The structure-activity relations and mechanism of action of parasin I, a 19-amino acid histone H2A-derived antimicrobial peptide, were investigated. Parasin I formed an amphipathic α-helical structure (residues 9-17) flanked by two random coil regions (residues 1-8 and 18-19) in helix-promoting environments. Deletion of the lysine residue at the N-terminal [Pa(2-19)] resulted in loss of antimicrobial activity, but did not affect the α-helical content of the peptide. The antimicrobial activity was recovered when the lysine residue was substituted with another basic residue, arginine ([R1]Pa), but not with polar, neutral, or acidic residues. Progressive deletions from the C-terminal [Pa(1-17), Pa(1-15)] slightly increased the antimicrobial activity (1~4 μg/ml) without affecting the α-helical content of the peptide. However, further deletion [Pa(1-14)] resulted in nearly complete loss of antimicrobial activity and α-helical structure. Confocal microscopic analysis and membrane permeabilization assays showed that parasin I and analogs with comparable antimicrobial activities localized to the cell membrane and subsequently permeabilized the outer and cytoplasmic membranes. Pa(1-14) also localized to the cell membrane, but lost membrane-permealizing activity, whereas Pa(2-19) showed poor membrane-binding and -permeabilizing activities. The results indicate that the basic residue at the N-terminal is essential for the membrane-binding activity of parasin I and that, among the membrane-binding parasin I analogs, the α-helical structure is necessary for the membrane-permeabilizing activity.


  • Su A JANG Dept. of Biological sciences, KAIST,
  • Ju Ri SHIN Dept. of Biological sciences, KAIST,
  • Ki Jung LIM Dept. of Biological sciences, KAIST,
  • Da Jung KIM Dept. of Biological sciences, KAIST,
  • Sun Chang KIM Dept. of Biological sciences, KAIST,


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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