

Modification of Interferon- α with Cytoplasmic Transduction Peptide



Interferon-α (IFN-α) mediates antiviral, antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects by activating cascades of IFN-responsive genes and has been used for the treatment of certain viral infections including hepatitis B and C. But the short circulating half-life of unmodified IFN-α requires frequent dosing for long period, causing high cost and many side effects. To decrease dosing amount of IFN-α, we developed modified IFN-α, Creaferon, by attaching Cytoplasmic Transduction Peptide (CTP) to human IFN-α. CTP, developed by Creagene, is a short peptide
composed of 11 amino acids (seq: YGRRARRRRRR) and confers strong cell-permeability and liver-targeting abilities on the attached molecules. We derived two kinds of Creaferons (CTP-IFN and IFN-CTP) by genetic fusion of CTP sequence to either terminus of human IFN-α gene. Creaferons were expressed in E.coli and isolated as inclusion bodies. The solubilized proteins were refolded using drop-wise renaturation process and subsequently purified with cation exchange chromatography. The purified Creaferons showed biological activity based on
antiviral assay.


  • Seonyoung Yang CreaGene Research Institute, Seongnamsi, Gyeonggido
  • Areum Kima, Eun Ju Kang CreaGene Research Institute, Seongnamsi, Gyeonggido
  • Chan Kyu Lee CreaGene Research Institute, Seongnamsi, Gyeonggido
  • Hyun Soo Lee CreaGene Research Institute, Seongnamsi, Gyeonggido
  • Yong Soo Bae Department of Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Gyeonggido


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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