

Solution-Phase Ferrocenyl Boronic Acid for the Electrochemical Biosensing of Glycated Hemoglobin



We have developed a biosensing strategy for glycated protein in red blood cells. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is recognized as an important target molecule to improve diabetes control and treatment. HbA1C is made by nonenzymatic reaction between glucose and the N-terminal valine of the β-chain of hemoglobin. We selected ferrocene boronic acid (FcBA) as an electrochemical signaling molecule. Boronic acid has an ability to form a covalent bond between its diol group and the cis-diol group from the carbohydrate chain on the surface of HbA1c. FcBA was conjugated with HbA1c, and the conjugate was collected and purified by precipitated with zinc chloride. After the solution-phase step, we used cyclic voltammetry for the analytical signal registration. Detection range obtained for HbA1c was 5∼20% (HbA1c/total Hb), which covers the
clinical reference range. From this simple method, we were able to obtain clinically meaningful sensitivity as well as detection range. This study can be implemented in the diagnostic biosensor and would be applicable to other glycoproteins having analytical needs.


  • Seo Young Son Department of Molecular Science & Technology, Ajou University
  • Seung Yeon Song Department of Molecular Science & Technology, Ajou University
  • Eun Joong Kim Department of Molecular Science & Technology, Ajou University
  • Hyun C. Yoon Department of Molecular Science & Technology, Ajou University

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