Currently, there has been a great interest to generate patterns of biologically active molecules such as DNA, proteins, cells and spores on solid substrates for their applications in biosensors, biomaterials and tissue engineering. In this study, a simple lithographic process in conjunction with a novel biocompatible nonchemically amplified photoresist material was successfully used for cell patterning. A novel copolymer of DOBEMA and GMA, poly (DOBEMA0.84 - co - GMA0.16), the nonchemically amplified resist material was used in this study. GMA was incorporated in the polymer to avoid peeling off of the resist film from the glass substrate. UV light irradiation on selected regions of the nonchemically amplified resist film rendered the exposed regions hydrophilic by the formation of carboxylic groups. It was found that mouse fibroblast cells
were preferentially aligned and proliferated on the UV light exposed regions of the nonchemically amplified resistfilm where carboxylic groups were present. The cell alignment on the exposed regions was maintained during cell proliferation. This simple strategy of generating carboxylic groups on the UV light exposed regions by the simplified lithographic process opens up the
possibility of immobilizing various biomolecules such as DNA, proteins, and cells.[This work was supported by Medigenes Co., Ltd. and by the Brain Korea 21 Project. Further support through the LG Chemicals Chair Professorship is appreciated.]