

SPR Sensor Chip for the Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome using Real Time Molecular Interation



It is very critical to develop the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor in order to achieve a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus sensor. This work is specifically focused on the development of biosensor system to obtain recombinant proteins with the gold-specific affinity. The strategy is based on the principle that the gold binding polypeptide (GBP) as a fusion partner specifically binds onto the gold surface for immobilizing proteins. The SARS coronavirus envelope was employed as a model protein for the specific immobilization of GBP-fusion protein. The fusion proteins were successfully immobilized on the gold surface and examined by SPR analysis. We also analyzed the immobilization efficiency of intracellular protein on the micro-patterned gold surface. Finally, the GBP-fusion method immobilized proteins onto the gold surface without surface modification and in a bioactive form, which is suitable for studying interactions of protein-protein, and other biomolecules [This work was supported in part by MIC & IITA through IT Leading R&D Support Project.].


  • Tae Jung Park Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), BioProcess Engineering Research Center, Systems and Synthetic Biology Research Center, Institute for BioCentury, and Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, KAIST
  • Sungho Ko Food Nanotechnology Research Group, Korea Food Research Institute
  • Moon Seop Hyun Measurement & Analaysis Team, National Nanofab Center
  • Hyun Uk Kim Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), BioProcess Engineering Research Center, Systems and Synthetic Biology Research Center, Institute for BioCentury, and Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, KAIST
  • Sang Yup Lee Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), BioProcess Engineering Research Center, Systems and Synthetic Biology Research Center, Institute for BioCentury, and Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, KAIST, 4Department of Bio & Brain Engineering, and Bioinformatics Research Center, KAIST


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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