

中國의 審判監督節次의 問題와 發展趨勢


Problems and Trends of the Procedure forTrial Supervision in China

중국의 심판감독절차의 문제와 발전추세


한중법학회 중국법연구 제10집 2008.12 pp.1-18
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Procedure for trial supervision is the procedure of retrial of the cases that has been judged, ruled or mediated and put on trail by the People's Court. It is a special trial supervision procedure. In addition to a small number of retrials proposed by procuratorial organs and superior courts or this court, most cases of trial supervision are for the retrials applied by the parties, therefore, it includes two procedures : rechecking procedure of application for civil retial and trial procedure. In judicial practice, the simplicity and imperfection of the procedural law in China resulted in the vacuum of legislative for retrial procedure, which leads the blind spots in the review procedure. The problems on the proceeding and operation of retrial, also lead to the difficulty of application for retrial and low efficiency for review on one hand, and embarrassing situation of unlimited retrial on the other hand. As a result, the authority of the courts' judgments, the solemnity of the law are weakened.The procedure for trial supervision in new Civil Procedure Law was revised mainly in four aspects: clarify the application for retrial to the superior courts; further make concrete analysis on retrial causes; explicitly stipulate the review procedure and time limit of retrial; and prolong the time limit of special retrial cases for applications. This amendment is an appropriate way to solve the problem on the difficulty of application, and laid the foundation for solving the problems on the difficulties for appeals.


审判监督程序就是指对判决、裁定或调解协议已经发生效力的案件提起再行审理以及人民法院依法对这些案件进行再行审理的程序。它是一种特别的审判程序。除少数由检察机关、上级法院或本院依职权提起再审外,审判监督案件多数是由当事人申请再审引起的,因此在事实上包含着两个程序:再审申请复查程序和再审程序。在司法实践中,由于我国诉讼法上的粗放和简约,造成再审程序立法的真空,导致复查程序存在法律盲区,加上再审程序启动和运作上的问题,造成一方面申请再审难,审查工作效率低下;另一方面,又“终而不终”,无限再审的尴尬局面,以致法院裁判的权威性、法律的严肃性严重受损。新≪民事诉讼法≫主要从四方面对审判监督程序进行修改: 一、明确向上一级人民法院申请再审;二、进一步将再审事由明晰化、具体化;三、明确了再审事由的审查程序和审查期限;四、延长了特殊再审事由的申请再审期间。这次修正是针对“申诉难”问题有的放矢、对症下药,为审判事件中解决“申诉难”难问题奠定了基础。


Ⅰ. 서
 Ⅱ. 재판감독절차의 의의
  1. 개 념
  2. 특 징
  3. 재판감독절차의 발동조건
   3.1. 법원의 재판감독절차의 방식
   3.2. 검찰원의 재판감독절차의 발동조건
   3.3. 당사자의 재판감독절차의 신청조건
  4. 재판감독절차와 1심․2심과의 구별
 Ⅲ. 재판감독절차에 존재하는 문제
  1. 발동제도의 혼란
  2. 재심사유에 대해 제한이 없다.
  3. 審級에 대한 제한규정이 없다.
  4. 재심절차와 재심범위의 무제한에 문제가 있다.
  5. 심사방식, 처리방식, 기한 등에 대한 규정이 없다.
 Ⅳ. 개정 민사소송법의 재판감독절차에 대한 규정
 Ⅴ. 三審制의 도입문제
 Ⅵ. 결 론


  • 노청석 Qingxi Lu. 中國海洋大學校 法政學院 교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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