

Determinants of adoption of Telecommunication-Broadcasting Convergence Service : A Case of Mobile IPTV




The convergence of telecommunications-broadcasting is representative of many innovative technologies in the digital environment. It has recently been emphasized as a solution to overcome saturation of the telecommunications and broadcasting markets. Mobile IPTV is described as a next generation telecommunications-broadcasting convergence service. Users of Mobile TV services and IPTV services would be potential users of Mobile IPTV service. The success of telecommunications-broadcasting convergence service is depending on understanding the concerns of customers and identifying the determinants that leads to individual’s behavioral intension to adopt it. For the purpose, this study employed extended technology acceptance model (TAM) as a base model and proposes a structural model to better reflect the convergence of telecommunication-broadcasting context, especially Mobile IPTV. The proposed structural model employed six factors: mobility, interactivity, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived playfulness, and attitude toward use. This study emphasizes the importance of mobility and interactivity for the adoption of Mobile IPTV.


 Mobile IPTV
 Literature Review
  Technology Acceptance Model
 Research Model and Hypotheses
  Mobility와 Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use,Perceived Playfulness의 관계
  Interactivity와 Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease ofUse, Perceived Playfulness의 관계
  Extended TAM 가설
 Conclusion and Future Work


  • 이동원 KAIST Institute for Information Technology Convergence
  • 문정훈 한국정보통신대학교 경영전문대학원


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