The Effects of Integrated Information Systems on the Organizational Control : A Focus of ERP Implementation
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
- 1Influences of Information Technology Structure Taxonomy on business Performance - Moderating Effect of Organization Structure and Control System -earticle 원문 이동
- 2중소기업 ERP 도입 방법
- 3A Study on the Implementation Strategy and Performance of Enterprise Resource Planning System in Korea Manufacturing Firmsearticle 원문 이동
- 4ERP, 왜 도입해야 하나?
- 5Camillus, J. A and Lederer, A.L., 'Cor-porate strategy and the design of compu-terized information systems,' Sloan Man-agement Review, Spring 1985, pp. 35-42
- 6Effects of "Best Practices" of Environmental Management on Cost Advantage: The Role of Complementary Assets네이버 원문 이동
- 7Managing I/S Design Teams: A Control Theories Perspective네이버 원문 이동
- 8A Theory of the Effects of Advanced Information Technologies on Organizational Design, Intelligence, and Decision Making네이버 원문 이동
- 9The Management of Complex Tasks in Organizations: Controlling the Systems Development Process네이버 원문 이동
- 10Cooperation, coordination and control in computer-supported work네이버 원문 이동