Web 2.0 and Firms' Strategy Transformation for Information Management
Recently the advent of web 2.0 era is an important trend in the business environmental change. Web 2.0 era means users' active participation, share, and openness, develop 'Internet penetration into everyday life,' and change many aspects of our society. web 2.0 has been making these following changes in the socioeconomic aspects: 1) acceleration of system shift to a small quantity of multi-species production system 2) growing influence of on-line channel/information to consumers 3) various minorities' power increase in the socioeconomic sector. Web 2.0 has been making these following changes in the firms' strategies for information management: 1) increase of external knowledge and information utilization 2) amplification and reproduction of information from customers 3) change of information distribution: pursuit of
two-way communication with customers 4) integration of different information/services for business transformation.
Firms must squarely look at socioeconomic changes owing to web 2.0, and utilize them for firms' effective information management.
1. 서론
2. 웹2.0의 사회경제적 영향
2.1 다품종 소량생산 경제 체제로의 전환 가속
2.2 온라인 채널/정보의 소비자에 대한 영향력 증대
2.3 경제사회 분야에서 다양한 소수의 힘 확대
3. 웹2.0의 기업 정보관리전략에의 영향
3.1 외부 지식과 정보의 활용 증대
3.2 고객으로부터의 정보 확대 재생산
3.3 정보 배포 방식의 변화: 고객과의 쌍방향성추구
3.4 사업 변신을 위한 이종 정보/서비스의 결합
4. 결론