

Strategy Focused CoP Using BSC Method And Building Lifecycle For Strategy Focused CoP



The various research on Communities of practices (CoP) for propagation of softer type knowledge in new Knowledge Management (KM) strategy having been performed for past
couple of years. CoP is one of effective process innovation tool for diffusion of knowledge. Based on CoP’s voluntary and spontaneous characteristic, it performs a function of delivering softer type knowledge of workers to the other colleagues of organization.
But one step further to CoP’s function of propagation of internal knowledge, research on function of CoP’s contribution in enterprise strategy are insufficient yet.
This paper presents enterprise CoP should be managed and aligned to strategic objectives of enterprise, and also, suggests the methodology for CoPs to maintain a lifecycle as a tool to contribute in strategic goal attainment.
Although CoPs are voluntary and spontaneous informal organization, it can display a contribution as tool for KM strategy when it is aligned to strategy properly and form efficient lifecycle.


 Literature Review on CoP
 Strategic importance of CoP
 Strategic alignment of CoP
 Lifecycle suggestion for Enterprise CoP


  • Hyun-hee Lee Graduate School for Information Technology, POSTECH
  • Eui-ho Suh Department of Industrial and Management Engineering ,POSTECH
  • Sung-jin Kim Department of Industrial and Management Engineering ,POSTECH


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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