

Applying Educational Models to Teaching Interpretation


Hyang-Ok Lim

피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The curriculum and instruction of graduate schools of interpretation and translation are to a great extent similar. The curriculum consists of courses allowing students to practice the skills of interpretation and translation while the instruction involves their actual practice. The purpose of this article is to see whether models of teaching pertaining to educational theories can be applied to the teaching of interpretation. Though most of the models introduced by Joyce & Weil are basically aimed at K-12 students, some of them can be adjusted to the instruction of interpretation in order to accommodate the different learning styles of students. A brief look at the Tyler Rationale as it applies to curricula for interpretation schools will set the groundwork for the objective of such schools, followed by various educational models. The teaching models chosen for this paper are advance organizers, memorization, non- directive teaching, role-playing, simulations, followed by an overview of learning styles and multiple intelligence.


  • Hyang-Ok Lim Lim, Hyang-Ok


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