


<금방울전>연구 - 요괴퇴치의 의미를 중심으로 -


A study on Tale of Kuembangul

사카타 사요

국문학회 국문학연구 제17호 2008.05 pp.181-202
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Tale of Kuembangul is the epic of Haeryong who was supported by Keumryong. Keumryong had magical powers, and helped Hearyong whenever He fell into crisis, so he could overcame the ordeal. The motif of killing a monster functioned as an important rite of passage in the story. This killing motif has two aspects. One is saving princess of King and the other is saving the princess of Sea God. In the previous life, Hearyong and Keumryong were killed by monster and they were born again in this world. They got second chance to revenge the monster in this life. They helped each other and killed the monster. Eventually they got married. The essential theme of this story was that a hero helps a princess of Sea God rather than helps a princess of King. The former was the main stream which lead the whole story and the other was the secondary event that represented the success of the hero.


1. 서론
 2. 한글소설에 나타난 요괴퇴치의 양상
  1) <금방울전>
  2) <김원전>
  3) <홍길동전>
 3. <금방울전> 요괴퇴치의 이중적 의미
  1) 변신하는 요괴의 정체
  2) 공주구출과 용자구출
 4. 용자구출담으로서의 <금방울전>
 5. 결론


  • 사카타 사요 SAKATA Sayo. 서울대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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