


趙龜命 道文分離論의 변화와 독자적 인식의 표현으로서의 문학


The change of Theory on separate of Tao and Literature 道文分離論 by originated with Cho, Kooi-myeong 趙龜命 and The literature as representing one's own ideas

조구명 도문분리론의 변화와 독자적 인식의 표현으로서의 문학


국문학회 국문학연구 제17호 2008.05 pp.153-180
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay is to review the creation and change process of Theory on separate of Tao and Literature 道文分離論 by originated with Cho, Kooi-myeong 趙龜命. Theory of Cho was a discourse that set off and marked up, through the letter argument between Cho's friends. When it was raised for the first time, The theory had an incompatible contradiction. It is a opposition between two point of view: one attach importance to Tao relatively to Literature, the other assert the equality of value between Tao and Literature. Over ten years, Cho, Kooi-myeong 趙龜命 reflect on his thought and revise his own theory. At long last he overcome the point of view is called Do-Mun-Il-Chi-Lon 道文一致論 that attach importance to Tao, and set up a new point of view on Literature that unbound to Tao had its roots in Confucianism 性理學, and stand up for a various opinion and view of a different individual.


1. 序論
 2. 趙龜命의 비판적 독서태도
 3. 道文分離論 내부의 논리적 모순과 충돌
 4. 道文分離論의 변화와 독자적 인식의 표현으로서의 문학
 5. 結論을 대신하며 : 袁宏道와 趙龜命


  • 박경남 Park, Kyeong-nam. 세종대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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