The Unique and evident value of the self, for its guarantee, needs the presupposition that it is independent on the authority or the judgement of the outside world. How does it possible? How can one's value be butressed and certified when the exterior guarantee is meaningless? Pak Chi-Wŏn focused on the difference itself. Difference is the position which cannot be distributed to the specified spaces. By allowing the difference as a unlocated position, Pak Chi-Wŏn opens the possibility of the self without other authorities. Otherness is located right inside the self. There can be no difference between self and other. Pak Chi-Wŏn's concept of self and other implies the criticism toward the isolation of self or the authority oriented self. The state of 'madness狂' or 'absorbtion忘' can be the passage for 'otherness in the self' and the ethical question for the recognition desire. He wanted to question the self identity of self, not to strenthen it by metaphysical strategies.
2. 인정 욕망의 구조와 '타자(상)'
3. '타자(성)'의 논쟁적 성격
4. '타자(성)'의 윤리 : 狂과 忘
5. 나가며 - '冥心'의 재해석