

Exploratory Autopsy on Digital Payment Models



Secure digital payment is critical in the successful shaping of global digital business. Digital payments are increasingly being used as a substitute to traditional payments, contributing markedly to the efficiency of the economy. The focus of every digital business transaction is to minimize risks arising from transactions. It is essential to ensure the security of digital payment whether used in internal networks or over wireless Internet. This paper analyses secure digital payment methods from the viewpoint of systemic security and transaction security. According to comparative analysis of digital payment models, this paper proposes a comparative analysis framework to investigate and evaluate secure digital payment. In conclusion, the comparative analysis framework, comparison of digital payment models and mobile payment models proposes a useful academic and practical foundation to enhance the understanding of secure digital payment methods. It also provides academic background and practical guidelines for the development of secure digital payment systems.


  • Wang, Tao Management Information System Division, School of Management, Yeongnam University
  • Kim, Chang-Su Management Information System Division, School of Management, Yeongnam University
  • Kim, Ki-Su Management Information System Division, School of Management, Yeongnam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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