

대용량 데이터를 처리하는 ERP시스템의 성능개선(튜닝) 사례;(주)대교



ERP system is a good one because it provides required data to the Board of Directors at the right time, but needs to collect many data in this system. Nevertheless, increase in data leads to the system's quality deterioration which makes companies to carry out quality improvement. In order to solve quality deterioration problem, a company's quality improvement director must execute under acknowledgement of the relationships between sectors to be improved, which are DBMS, Application, System, Data Management, Archiving, and Reorganization. But in many cases, these relationships are ignored due to massive size of each of the sectors, resulting fragmental quality improvement operation. This case paper proposes a solution to effectively solve quality deterioration problem created by the massive data produced while operating ERP System(constructed by SAP package and web). First, it defines the sectors where quality improvements are vital, and lists out things to be considered. Then, by analysing the working process of these sectors, proposes the most efficient order of the improvement process. This case will eventually help the company's quality improvement director to execute quality improvement most effectively without trials and errors, which is this paper's ultimate goal.


  • 서병민 한국외국어대학교 대학원 경영학과
  • 김승일 (주)대교 전략기획실 정보전략팀


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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