

A Framework of Outsourcing Decision-Making for Human Resource Information Systems



This paper attempts to develop a framework for interrelationships among human resources information systems (HRIS), outsourcing, and corporate culture. This research investigates impacts of outsourcing HRIS on corporate culture. In this paper, we hypothesize that outsourcing corporate HRIS is less appealing (1) if the quality of product and customer service matters for a firm, (2) if a firm is concerned with a loss of intellectual property, and (3) if a firm requires maintenance of a distinctive human resource service function that is capable of meeting the challenges of fast changing customer demands in a dynamic business environment. In addition, this study argues companies must be aware of the total costs associated with HRIS before outsourcing its human resource functions. Finally, the impact on employee morale and performance must also be considered By outsourcing HRIS, managers will be able to spend more time and resources dedicated to an employee's professional career development.


  • Lee, Chung-Shing School of Business, Pacific Lutheran University
  • Lee, C.Christopher School of Business, Pacific Lutheran University
  • Kwon, He-Boong School of Business, Pacific Lutheran University


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