

The Effects of Simplicity and Interactivity in Blog Services



The main goal of this study is to propose a model of simplicity and interactivity effect on usability in the blog services. As web-based applications become increasingly complicated, the need for simplicity in user interface design has grown for better usability. Also, interactivity has been known to influence on usability. Previous studies argued that usability is a key factor for system success. Usability is concerned with attributes of an application that makes it understandable, learnable, easy to use, and attractive. For the complicated technology, perceived control, related to direct manipulation of an object, is important. In this regard, we posit that simplicity, interactivity, and perceived control makes important antecedents to usability. Finally, we tested that the effect of usability on user s loyalty with the blog services along with trust and satisfaction. Future studies will empirically examine the proposed model, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and interactivity for the user interface design


  • Lee, Dong-Won School of IT Business, Information and Communications University (ICU)
  • Moon, Jung-Hoon School of IT Business, Information and Communications University (ICU)
  • Kim, Yong-Jin School of Business Administration, Sogang University

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