

Comparison of Determinants in Internet and Mobile Commerce Adoption



Understanding user acceptance of the Internet, especially the intentions to use Internet commerce and mobile commerce, is important in explaining the fact that these commerce have been growing at an exponential rate in recent years. This paper studies factors of new technology to better understand and manage the electronic commerce activities. The theoretical model proposed in this paper is intended to clarify the factors as they are related to the Technology Acceptance Model. More specifically, the relationship among trust and other factors are hypothesized. Using the Technology Acceptance Model, this research reveals the importance of the hedonic factor. The result of this research implies that the ways of stimulating and facilitating customers' participation in mobile commerce should be differentiated from those in Internet commerce.


  • Cho, Dai-Yon School of Management & Economics, Handong Global University
  • Kwon, Hyun-Jung School of Management & Economics, Handong Global University
  • Lee, Hyoung-Yong School of Business Administration, Hansung University


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