

국내외 행정기관 웹사이트 사용성과 접근성 비교 연구;미국, 영국, 한국, 호주, 캐나다를 중심으로



This study considered the most crucial elements in websites as web usability and web accessibility. The web usability signified the empirical satisfaction of ordinary users on websites and how much they used the relevant websites conveniently and accurately, while the web accessibility signified the technical support that could have an easy access to web contents and the principles of cognitive aspects, by considering the users such as those who have been alienated from information. Even if the people were given lots of beneficial information, the websites would be useless if their usability and accessibility were not considered. It would be necessary to reduce the information gap by letting any users (the physically challenged, the elderly, etc.) give an access to every information without any professional abilities and to provide the efficient websites corresponding to the embodiment goal of e-government through rapidity and accuracy of contents and the feedback for systematic structure and people's demand.


  • 이주영 숙명여자대학교 정책 산업대학원
  • 문형남 숙명여자대학교 정책 산업대학원, 미시간 대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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