

Comparing the Impact of IT Investment on Firm Performance in the United States and China



Over the past three decades, the impact of IT investments on firm performance has been the subject Q{active research. Although many studies have shown positive and significant benefits derived from IT investment, the findings of almost all these studies are based on data collected in developed countries. This study tries to investigate the effects of IT investment on firm financial performance in the Chinese electronics industry, a typical developing country, and compare it with the United States. Findings show that there is a positive impact of IT investment on firm performance in China. Moreover, the impact in China is not different from what occurred in the United States in the direction and the size against the assertion of previous studies and expectation.


  • Lee, Sang-Ho Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
  • Xiang, Jun-Yong School of Business Administration, Kyung Hee University
  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong School of Business Administration, Kyung Hee University

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