

Gender Differences in Online Shopping Behavior



Since the emergence of Internet service, the revenue from e-commerce has been exponentially growing. Especially, the consumption by men in online retailers is distinctively different from that in traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers. Facing these interesting phenomena, researchers as well as businesses have begun to pay attention to e-commerce and online consumers. However, research on consumer behaviors in the online channel has not made a careful investigation into gender behavioral differences in the online channel. Therefore, we provide a profound understanding of gender differences in online shopping behavior compared to those in offline shopping behaviors. Through our findings from this research, we draw researchers' attention to consumer behavior in the online channel, gender differences in online shopping. Also, we suggest practical implications to online marketers using data collected from one of the major online retailers.


  • Park, Joo-Young Management Engineering Department, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Lee, Byung-Tae Management Engineering Department, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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