

이동통신 환경 하에서의 고객관계관리를 위한 지역광고 추천 모형


Location-based Advertisement Recommendation Model for Customer Relationship Management under the Mobile Communication Environment

안현철, 김경재, 한인구

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Location-based advertising or application has been one of the drivers of third-generation mobile operators' marketing efforts in the past few years. As a result, many studies on location-based marketing or advertising have been proposed for recent several years. However, these approaches have two common shortcomings. First. most of them just suggested the theoretical architectures, which were too abstract to apply it to the real-world cases. Second, many of these approaches only consider service provider (seller) rather than customers (buyers). Thus, the prior approaches fit to the automated sales or advertising rather than the implementation of CRM. To mitigate these limitations, this study presents a novel advertisement recommendation model for mobile users. We call our model MAR-CF (Mobile Advertisement Recommender using Collaborative Filtering). Our proposed model is based on traditional CF algorithm, but we adopt the multi-dimensional personalization model to conventional CF for enabling location-based advertising for mobile users. Thus, MAR-CF is designed to make recommendation results for mobile users by considering location, time, and needs type. To validate the usefulness of our recommendation model. we collect the real-world data for mobile advertisements, and perform an empirical validation. Experimental results show that MAR-CF generates more accurate prediction results than other comparative models.


I. Introduction
 II. Collaborative Filtering and User's Needs Type
  2.1 Collaborative filtering as a recommendation method
  2.2 User's Needs Type
 III. Research Model
 IV. Experiments and Results
  4.1 Experimental design
  4.2 Experimental results
 V. Conclusion


  • 안현철 Hyunchul Ahn. KAIST 테크노경영대학원
  • 김경재 Kyoung-Jae Kim. 동국대학교 경영정보학과
  • 한인구 Ingoo Han. KAIST 테크노경영대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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