The Mediation Effect of Collaboration on Supply Chain Performance: Mobile Networks Industry in Korea
In supply chains, collaboration between buyer and supplier can improve firms' ability of supply chains to their objectives and competitive advantages. A key factor in collaboration in supply chain is to identify buyer relationships and supply relationships as antecedents of the factor collaboration. We analyzed data collected from buyers and suppliers sampled from a mobile networks industry in Korea and found that the level of collaboration comes from strong relationships between two parties and the collaboration enhances the supply chain performances. However, buyer relationships and supplier relationships have indirect impacts on trading partners' performance through collaboration whereas both have direct impacts on one's performance. Therefore to enhance supply chain performances, supplier's operational efficiency and buyer satisfaction, firms of buyers and suppliers should consider pursuing practical and substantial collaboration along with buyer-supplier relationships.
II. 문헌연구
2.1 공급사슬관리와 협업에 관한 연구
2.2 구매사-공급사 관계특성에 관한 연구
2.3 공급사슬의 성과에 관한 연구
III. 연구모형 및 가설 설정
3.1 연구 모형
3.2 연구 가설
IV. 연구방법 및 표본 특성
4.1 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정방법
4.2 연구대상의 특성
4.3 자료수집과 응답자 특성
V. 자료분석 및 가설검증
5.1 탐색적 요인분석
5.2 측정모델에 대한 검증
5.4 구조모형의 검증
VI. 결론
6.1 연구결과의 요약
6.2 연구 의의 및 시사점
6.3 연구의 한계점과 향후 연구 방향