When Thielicke gave his lecture at Hamburg University, clouds of students surged into his lecture room and he had to move to the wider room, which too became too overcrowded very quickly. When he preached at the Church of St. Michael, thousands of people begin to fill as early as an hour before the service is due to start. What makes Thielicke attract this enormous popularity? What makes his preaching so touching to his congregation? This articles tries to explore the life and characteristics of Helmut Thielicke who had been considered as one of the most influential preachers in church history. For this purpose, I will survey his life first, and examine the characteristics of his preaching. Thielicke’s preaching was always deeply related with his theology and philosophy. His theology was in line with Reformation, and his preaching was in line with realities of human life. His theology was melted down in his sermon with the words understandable for everyone. For him, theology and preaching compromise two sides of one faith, and theology must not overwhelm proclamation. Thielicke had the capacity to bridge the gap between seminary and congregation through the sermon. He translated religious faith into the idiom of the congregation. He could communicate the most sophisticated theological concepts to the ordinary people. Thielicke always paid attention to crucial issues of his society in his preaching that people could easily identify with themselves. He understood contemporary issues and expounded on the daily lives of Christians in concrete situations rather than from rational abstractions. He believed the aim of preaching is not to show people that their life would be easier if they accepted the gospel; that it would solve their problems. His preaching is a textual-thematic method rather than expository preaching. He seemed to lean more toward an inductive style, although in his textual-thematic manner, a text is almost always employed in the sermon. Even though Thielicke had a penchant for taking a theme from a problem which society was facing and then bringing his solution to the problem, his first process of preaching was always to wrestle with understanding the text.
본 본문은 기독교 역사상 가장 뛰어난 설교자 가운데 한 사람인 헬무트틸리케의 삶과 그의 설교 특징을 연구한 것이다. 틸리케는 학교에서 강의할 때 학생들이 앉을 자리가 늘 부족했고 교회에서 설교할 때는 한 시간전에 가서 자리를 잡아야 그의 설교를 직접 들을 수 있었다. 틸리케가 교수와 설교자로서 역사상 엄청난 영향을 끼친 요소가 무엇인지를 살펴봄으로써 오늘날 설교자들에게 복음에 근거하여 영혼을 움직이는 설교자가 되기위한 요건이 무엇인지 고찰하려 했다. 틸리케는 신학과 철학에 박사학위를 받았으며 그의 설교는 탁월한 신학과 철학이 어우려진 결정체이다. 그의 신학은 개혁주의 경향을 보이고 있으며 심오한 신학과 철학을 가장 평이한 설교언어로 표현할 수 있었던 설교자였다. 그는 신학이 설교를 지배하지 않고 설교를 통해 신학을 발전시키고 검증할 것을 강조한다. 신학교에서의 교수와 목회현장에서의 목회자로서의 조화로운 만남을 가장 뛰어나게 접촉시킨 사람이라 볼 수 있다. 틸리케의 설교에는 본문에 대한 깊은 묵상과 사회의 현실에 대한 냉철한 시각을 동시에 보여준다. 전후 독일이 안고 있는 상황은 그의 설교에서 본문과 적용을 통해 잘 나타난다. 그의 설교는 강해설교라기 보다 본문주제설교에 가깝다. 본문에 충실하면서 교인들이 삶 속에서 만나는 갖가지 문제들을 본문을 통해 반추함으로써 용기와 위로를 향한 설교를 지향한다.
2. Characteristics of Thielicke's Preaching
3. Description of a Representative Sermon
4. Conclusion