The Institute of Contemporary Art has gathered, arranged and exchanged historical data and a variety of information of art. It also aims at Helping revitalize artistic activities and develop diverse areas of art among regions. This scheme for revitalization of art includes holding seminars, international exhibitions or regional exchange exhibitions, publishing papers, and enhancing art education. This paper provides a view of what the Institute of Contemporary Art at Kunsan University has done so far, pursues better ways for revitalization of artistic activities, and suggests a future-oriented approach for making the institute a place for regional exchange of modem art and design.
I. 서론
1. 연구 목적
2. 연구 내용 및 방법
II. 현대 미술 연구소의 기능과 특성
1. 현대 미술의 이론적 배경과 현대 미술연구소의 기능
2. 군산대학교 현대 미술 연구소의 업적
3. 군산대학교 현대미술연구소 구성과 연구 분과별 특성
III. 결론 및 발전 방향