

기능주의적 번역이론에서 본 우리나라 관광안내 사이트 번역의 실태 연구


A functional translation theory perspective on translation of tourist information web sites


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is aimed at analyzing and discussing problems associated with current methods used in translating Korean tourist information web sties into English. For this purpose, the author investigated tourist information web sites run by municipal governemnts both in Korea and in English-speaking countries. The data obtained from this investigation was compared side by side to reveal differences in the way Korean and English websites offer information. Then, the author looked into how these differences were handled in English versions of the Korean web sites investigated. The results show that major differences exist between Korean and English web sites in style of language, mode of information offering and organization of web pages. The English versions of the Korean web sites tended to transfer Korean features into English. Finally, the author offers some thoughts on these problems from a perspective of functional translation theory, including suggestions on how the differences observed can be effectively resolved in order to fulfill the function of translated texts more successfully.


  • 이창수 Lee, Chang-soo


    ※ 기관로그인 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다.

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