한국노동조합총연맹 세미나
친환경 일자리(Green Jobs) 창출과 노동운동의 역할 ; International Seminar on Green Jobs and Trade Union Movement
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
1. Why green jobs ? Economic development, the enviornment and labour markets in Asia
Environmental threats to growth and sustainable development
The growing impact of climate change
Averting dangerous climate change
Green-growth - a second great transformation
2. Decent Work for sustainable development
What are green jobs? A definition
A paler shade of green
Green jobs and decent work
3. Clean development, green growth and labour markets : opportunities, potential, challenges
4. The labour market dynamics of green growth
5. A tentative list of challenges, resources and opportunities Challenges
The role of ILO constitutents
Relevant ILO work
Some concluding questions
1. Why green jobs ? Economic development, the enviornment and labour markets in Asia
Environmental threats to growth and sustainable development
The growing impact of climate change
Averting dangerous climate change
Green-growth - a second great transformation
2. Decent Work for sustainable development
What are green jobs? A definition
A paler shade of green
Green jobs and decent work
3. Clean development, green growth and labour markets : opportunities, potential, challenges
4. The labour market dynamics of green growth
5. A tentative list of challenges, resources and opportunities Challenges
The role of ILO constitutents
Relevant ILO work
Some concluding questions