

한국수화언어에서의 동사유형과 수분류사


Verb Types and Numeral Classifiers in Korean Sign Language


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine the verb types and numeral classifiers of Korean Sign Language (KSL) in order to provide fundamental data for the linguistic study of word structures and word formation processes in KSL. First, we examine the pronominal system of KSL to explore some morpho-syntactic properties of inflecting verbs which show verb agreement. Second, we briefly examine the verb-argument agreement in person, number and gender in spoken languages cross-linguistically. Third, we discuss the three different types of KSL verbs (i.e. inflecting verbs, spatial verbs and plain verbs), investigating some morpho-syntactic properties of inflecting verbs of American Sign Language and KSL with regard to person, number and gender. Finally, we discuss some morpho-syntactic properties of the two kinds of numeral classifiers: sortal numeral classifiers and mensural numeral classifiers, comparing some morpho-syntactic properties of KSL numeral classifiers with those of Korean numeral classifiers.


1. 서론
 2. 한국수화언어의 대명사체계
 3. 소리언어의 수화언어에서의 일치동사
  3.1 소리언어에서의 동사-논항 일치
  3.2 ASL과 KSL에서의 동사유형과 동사-논항 일치
 4. KSL에서의 수분류사
 5. 결론


  • 장세은 Se-Eun Jhang. 한국해양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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