

Effects of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin on the In Vitrto Maturation of Canine Oocytes



The present study investigated the effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) on the nuclear maturation of canine oocytes. Oocytes were recovered from mongrel female ovaries in various reproductive states; follicular, luteal or anestrous stage. Oocytes were cultured in serum-free tissue culture medium (TCM)-199 supplemented with various concentrations of FSH (Exp. 1: 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 10 IU) or hCG (Exp. 2: 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 10 IU) or both (Exp. 3: 1 IU FSH + 1 IU hCG) for 72 hr to determine the effective concentration of these hormones, and to examine their combined effect. After maturation culture, oocytes were denuded in PBS containing 0.1% (w/v) hyaluronidase by gentle pipetting. The denuded oocytes were stained with 1.9 μM. Hoechst 33342 in glycerol and the nuclear state of oocytes was evaluated under UV light. More (p<0.05) oocytes matured to MII stage when follicular stage oocytes were supplemented with 1 IU FSH (6.2%) compared with the control, 0.1 or 10.0 IU FSH (0 to 1.2%). Significantly higher (p<0.05) maturation rate to MII stage was observed in follicular stage oocytes supplemented with 1.0 IU hCG (7.2%) compared with the control or other hCG supplemented groups (0 to 1.5%). However, the combination of FSH and hCG did not improve the nuclear maturation rate of canine oocyte (2.4 %) compared with FSH (6.2%) and hCG alone (7.2%). In conclusion, FSH or hCG alone significantly increased the maturation of canine oocytes to MII stage.


  Collection of Canine Oocytes
  In Vitro Maturation
  Assessment of Meiotic Stage
  Statisical Analysis 
  Exp. 1: Effect of FSH Supplementation on Nuciear Maturation
  Exp. 2: Effect of hCG Supplementetion on Nuclear Maturation
  Exp. 3: Effect of Combined Supplemantation of FSH and hCG on Nuclear Maturation


  • Min Kyu Kim Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • Hyun Ju OH Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • Goo Jang Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • So Gun Hong Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • Jung Eun Park Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • Hye Jin Kim Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • Hyung Suk Lee Woosong Information College
  • Sang Cheol Kim Department of Animal Science, Shingu College
  • Sung Keun Kang Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
  • Byeong Chun Lee Department of theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University


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