


일부 치기공과 대학생들의 해외취업에 관한 의식 조사 연구


A Study on the Recognition Level of Employment and Overseas Employment among Students Majoring in Dental Technology

박남규, 정효경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to research into the recognition level of employment and overseas
employment on 173 students majoring in dental technology at two colleges in Daegu metropolitan
city and Jeju self-governing island through questionnaires which are recorded individually. The
results are as follows.
1. About 31.8% students chose dental technician department taking their aptitude into
consideration when they entered college. 52% students gained information about dental technology through internet, and 57.3% students among them, which was the highest level, were under age 20.
2. 48.6% students responded that they thought the level of satisfaction with major was average
and there was a difference according to their ages among the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction
with their major and the previous knowledge of major they had gained before entering college.
75.1% students said they wouldn’t transfer to other major even if they were given the chance,
which was much higher than the opposite case. And only 2.3% students had dissatisfaction at their major, which means students majoring dental technology evaluate their major positively.
3. Most students(58.4%) wanted to get a job for living cost and 53.2% students took advice from
their seniors or elderly people in choosing their jobs. 64.7% students answered they should have
professional skills to get a good job, which was different according to their ages. In addition, 51.4% students of dental technology department regarded the opportunities to exert their abilities as the most important element in choosing their jobs. That means students value self-decision and selfrealization when they choose their jobs.
4. The majority of students(32.9%) preferred to work at the dental laboratory in dental college
hospital as their workplace. Moreover, seniors over age 21 wanted to work in the field of porcelain
and juniors under age 20 preferred to work in the implant part concerning the field which students
wants to work.
5. About 91.3% students have ever heard about overseas employment and wanted to work abroad
if given the opportunities(77.5%). This points out students have much interest in overseas
employment and positive attitude. And there was a difference according to age and grade in case of the preferred country when they work abroad 6. The main barrier to overseas employment was a lack of communication ability(63.0%), therefore, students thought foreign language education should be activated to improve overseas employment(26.0%). To show this more specifically, juniors thought foreign language education and internship are most important factors(both are 21.4% alike), while seniors thought foreign language education is essential(24.6%) as a way to improve overseas employment. Students also thought that participation in language study club helps to prepare for overseas employment(69.4%).
When putting all these survey results together, it’s very important to develop people in advance
who have job ability and language ability necessary for overseas employment as well as to improve job awareness in the field of dental technology. Consequently, it’s needed to seek for various ways to get a overseas job through foreign language education and overseas internship.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구의 목적
 Ⅱ. 연구 대상 및 방법
  1. 연구대상 및 연구기간
  2. 자료수집 및 방법
  3. 분석방법
 Ⅲ. 연구 결과
  1. 조사대상자의 일반적 특성
  2. 학과에 관한 사전인지도
  3. 학과만족도
  4. 치기공과 재학생의 취업인식
  5. 해외취업에 관한 관심정도
  6. 해외취업 시 촉진방안
  7. 연령별 치기공과 재학생들의 사전인지도,학과 만족도, 취업의식, 해외 취업 관심도및 해외취업 시 촉진방안 차이분석
  8. 재학생들의 학년별 치기공과 사전인지도,학과만족도, 취업의식, 해외취업 관심도및 해외 취업 시 촉진방안 차이분석
 Ⅳ. 고찰
  1. 주요 연구결과의 해석
  2. 연구의 제한점
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박남규 Nam-Gyu Park. 제주관광대학 치기공과
  • 정효경 Hyo-Kyung Jung. 대구보건대학 치기공과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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